Musical Exploration, 

& Education

Creating, Learning, Sharing... 

July 1, 2024: 

My first REAL song - "Filtered Faces" is on streaming platforms and social media as backing Music!!

Also full song with VIDEO + LYRICS on YouTube!

March 18, 2024: 

Rochefsky's FIRST Album - titled "American Cheese" - containing 2 original tracks is available on streaming platforms and social media as backing Music!!

I finally published two tracks to online streaming services! It is a two track "single' or "album" called American Cheese - featuring "Optimistical" and "Breakout".

YouTube Original of BREAKOUT - the first single from the album "American Cheese"

This is the original recording of BREAKOUT - performed completely on the SynthStrom Deluge groovbox. This track was included on my first ever published "album" (which is actually just TWO tracks - and called a "single" collectively on Spotify) in 2024 - 3 years after I recorded this video!

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I participated in #Jamuary2023 - and #plaits module inspired many published posts... Check out the playlist below to see and hear the set... 

Follow my #Jamuary2023 posts on YouTube

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